You’re invited to the
DPIRD Katanning ‘Science of the Merino’ Sheep Field Day
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development will host a field day showcasing sheep from the 2018 drop of Merino Sire Evaluation progeny at their Katanning Research Facility. This trial is being managed in conjunction with The Federation of Performance Sheep Breeders Western Australia (Inc).
The 2018 drop progeny will be displayed in their sire groups along with associated wool and carcase results. Both visual and measured traits will be reported and presented in a Field Day report.
Sheep display and field day: 1pm – 4:30pm
DPIRD Katanning Research Facility
Nyabing Road, Katanning WA
Guest Speakers
Ben Swain – Yardstick progeny and results, AMSEA
Sarah Blumer – MLP Field Intake Trial, Murdoch University
Beth Paganoni – Breech strike update and breeding for worm resistance, DPIRD
Beth Paganoni – Genetic Resource Flock Update, DPIRD
2018 Sire progeny groups on display: