11 Jul

Macquarie MLP Field Day

The Macquarie Sire Evaluation Association (MSEA), and project partners, invite the Merino Industry to attend a Merino Sire Evaluation Field Day showcasing 2017 progeny from the 15 sires entered in the Merino Lifetime Productivity (MLP) Project. 440 progeny will be presented in their sire groups for inspection, along with their wool and  carcase results.

10.30                Registration

11.00                Welcome; Matthew Coddington (MSEA)

11.10                 Pen walk including an Introduction to sires; Ben Swain (AMSEA) and an explanation of the
                                                                      Tops Classing; Chris Bowman (Professional Sheep Classer)

12 noon           Lunch will be available for purchase

12.45                National MLP Project overview; Geoff Lindon (AWI)

1.00                  Macquarie Site Update; Kathryn Egerton-Warburton (NSW DPI)

1.15                   Raw data to flock breeding values; Kathryn Egerton-Warburton (NSW DPI)

1.30                   Sheep & Wool Market Outlook; Georgia Twomey (Rabobank)

2.00-3.30          Sheep inspection and Trade displays

Please register by Monday, July 9 by clicking on this link: https://sheepconnectnsw.com.au/events/234/
For further information please call Megan Rogers on 0427 459 891 or email macquariesireeval@gmail.com


TARC, 7878 Mitchell Highway Trangie NSW 2823


July 11, 2018
10:30 AM - 03:30 PM
Field Day